1907 - 1910
1911 - 1920
1921 - 1930
1931 - 1940
1941 - 1950
1951 - 1960
1961 - 1970
1971 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000
2001 - Today
Soul session in Vietnam
April 25, 1971
Midnight at Piccadilly Circus
May 16, 1971
A China Notebook
September 15, 1972
The fall of Spiro Agnew
October 13, 1973
Nixon Quits on TV Tonight; Ford to Take Oath On Friday
August 8, 1974
Fall of Vietnam
May 9, 1975
The king is dead - and his subjects mourn
August 17, 1977
Three Mile Island reactor beyond repair
April 3, 1979
Unhappy Britons elect 'Iron Lady'
May 4, 1979
Ayatollah denounces U.S. embassy; hostages taken
November 5, 1979
John Lennon slain in New York
December 9, 1980